
March 12, 2022


Debunking the Most Common SEO Myths That Exist Today

Are you one of the mere 30% of small businesses with an SEO strategy? While you may be concerned that SEO is passé, that’s the furthest thing from the truth. SEO content marketing can offer long-term gains that will strengthen your online visibility.

Read on as we debunk the most common SEO myths that exist today!

SEO Never Changes

You only need to embed SEO keywords once and then you’re done, right? Wrong. In fact, you need to make a practice of checking and revising your keywords.

Updating your keywords can enhance search engine rankings. Make a point of updating them at least every quarter, if not sooner, as part of business ownership. Start by looking at your meta-titles, tiles, tags, and copy.

As a small business owner, keep some room in your budget for updates. You may need to hire an SEO professional or web developer who can integrate SEO into your HTML.

SEO Hurts Your Rankings with Duplicate Content

Are you concerned that too much SEO duplication will give you a low search engine ranking? Duplicate content simply means that the same content appears across different pages. Sometimes this happens within the same website.

And because of this, the common myth holds that search engines will penalize you. The good news is that search engines realize that duplicate content will happen. While you won’t get penalized, you might end up behind syndicated content in the search rankings, so it can be worth addressing this SEO issue.

Good Content Is Irrelevant

If you believe this myth, then you can post just about anything and stuff it with keywords and links. Fortunately, search engines will tell you otherwise. Search engines are not focused solely on counting keywords to determine your ranking.

Creating quality and relevant content is critical to securing an audience. Learn more about how you can draw in customers with strong SEO practices and engaging content!

Stuffing Your Site with Backlinks Is Smart

You might be able to get a good deal on buying backlinks in bulk but proceed with caution. You don’t want to stuff your content with so many links that they become irrelevant.

Plus lots of other people probably are buying the same links, so the links lose value. To make matters worse, some search engines will penalize you if you do this.

As a small business owner, your business plan should prioritize an investment in relationship building. This is how you can generate relevant links from other sites.

You’ll create more logical content connections. And you can build a streamlined system when you invest in staff to handle this part of your innovative marketing strategy.

Don’t Fall Prey to SEO Myths

Falling prey to SEO myths will only hold back your business. Add SEO content marketing to your overall strategy to improve your search engine ranking. When you’re deliberate about crafting quality content, you’ll translate better rankings into sales.

For more tips to upgrade your business plan, check back for new articles.

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